Wednesday, May 7, 2008

"211" Thread ball with Intent to Maul

Yesterday I was beginning my day as usual. I gathered up my "on the roll crafts" so I can get caught up on things. I arrived at Brina's house and was promptly greeted by "FiFi" the cat. After kissing everyone goodbye , I get all settled in. I took out my crocheting items from my bag. This consisted of cheater glasses (to see my work, no comment anyone!) , scissors, crochet hook, dish towel (crocheting border) and a ball of variegated thread in the color of pink.

Being a cat, Fifi is very curious. She crawled up on my lap and gave me a hug (yes, she does hug). I see her stop and look down at my pretty pink ball of thread and think to myself "This is gonna be hard, she is going to want to play with it". Well, she made this really soft loving Meow, just a little short meow. To which I say OK,( look at her and the thread)..... BUT leave it alone. Fifi glances at me and looks at the ball and POUNCE. She grabbed the thread, I told her no and pulled away my piece of thread. Thinking that would be the end of things....... I could not have been so wrong.

Fifi jumped off my lap started running toward the front door. She stopped and sat down, turned around to look at me, I looked back at my work minding my own business thinking WOW maybe she is not going to bother me. WRONG AGAIN....... I didn't pay any attention to the subtle movements she was making and then........ OMG, here she comes....... in a full run toward the love seat.

MEEEOOWWW..... she grabbed my ball of thread and just as fast as she ran to get it.... she snagged my poor thread ball and took off RUNNING across the front room....... before I could do anything about it, I looked down and the thread jumped off the crochet hook( most likely from me jumping in surprise ) and now my row or I should say rows of work are unraveling like some cartoon sweater would have done off Sylvester the cat.

After gathering my wits about me, because it happened so fast, I sighed, got up from the love seat and started gathering up my treasured pink thread so I could put Sylvester back together again. On my way back to the couch the little cute furry hugger who greeted me so nicely had other ideas......... she followed me with what she now figured was her pink thread . About the time I got half way back to the love seat she wraps her front paws around my ankle and attempts to show me her displeasure by sinking her claws and her front teeth in my LEG! What the hell is going on........ OUCH!

I get back to the love seat and start crocheting again and now Alex is up. I guess I made enough noise to wake up the block. Only one other person I know can make that much noise in the morning (you know who you are). I put down my crocheting and greet Alex. In comes the Furry Tasmanian Devil...... Alex gets up to go play with some cars and the FTD crawls up on my lap..... Awwwww she is trying to make up. Alex looks at me while I am talking to the furry monster (nicely I might add, because I think she is making up) WRONG AGAIN....... She got that nice soft little mew...... awwwww....... then I think she is trying to get comfortable and she looks at my face and bites the Cheater Glasses right off my face and bit my cheek......... Alex now in hysterics laughing, Madi wakes up and is now down stairs asking "What's happening? " (Yet another TV show) I am cussing out the Mauler, the two cute little grandchildren are now telling me "Mimi that is not a nice word"........ Yes, I am aware of that!!!

No blood, no bleeding ankle...... well, I came out of that fiasco better than expected. WHEW! The Mauler disappears not to be seen the rest of the morning. I fed the kids, I FINISHED my project and two others while I was there. However I learned a lesson, my traveling projects with cute little thread balls may not go to Brina's house. I will, from now on, do like I do most of the time and curl up with a blankey and a cute cuddly cat next to me purring until the kids wake up and then let them curl up with me, watch cartoons, eat and leave.

My next project.......... Make the 211 Mauler her own thread ball!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

You work for .... WHO?

Everyone knows that you have to keep up with the latest TV transmissions put out by your local service provider. Keeping this in mind.... here is how my experience went with ours. Well not the company, one woman and a specific Little Man.

After calling the undisclosed TV company and requesting an updated DVR and satellite, which I might add was free. I know what you are thinking...... Nothing is free. Well you are right.

The appointment was made the day after calling in to ask about said upgrade . The guy came and installed the receiver, set it up , put up a new antenna ...... all within an hour. I was really impressed.

He left, then the fun began. About 10 minutes after he left I had the TV go blank and say that I had no service. " You have got to be kidding me"! Picture came back and then left again. It went out and came back 8 times in 45 minutes. Back to the phone I went. Now, when you call you have to go through the multitude of fake people before you actually get someone that breathes. When I told the live breathing woman my problem, she asked if I did any testing on it first. Well , I had done everything the trouble shooting pamphlet said. (Mind you an entire pamphlet on trouble). She said, I can send someone out next Thursday. WHAT! The guy just left, call him back here! I don't understand, you want to upgrade they come out the very next morning. You have trouble...... you have to wait a week? I said, book the appointment but if there is a cancellation please call me.

Meanwhile, I told the breathing woman that I was going to install my old box back in place. (Another mouth dropping moment) She told me that I would not be able to do that because I am not qualified and would most likely not know what to do. (Do they have any clue on tact) Ummmm....... I think I can handle this small task (I giggled). She stated it is quite involved and that I would be calling back again because it would not work at all. (Pregnant pause on my end, in amazement) Ummmm..... Excuse me, I will be reinstalling the old box and I will not have to call you, trust me I am more than competent. You have a nice afternoon and thank you! (Click)

The original box went in with no problem. Not even anything that I had to ask the hubby about. So now it is next Thursday. The doorbell rings, I open the door and I see a little man, maybe all of 5' tall.

Little man: Hello, I from *************. (Oh boy)

Me: Hello, come in. I need to have the box replaced as the old box is working fine and not giving us any trouble. As soon as we got the new box we had nothing but trouble.

Little man: Ok, I check wiring outside. (Did you listen to me at all?)

Humoring the little man I opened the door and he stood with hands on hips looking up at the satellite. Was he praying HE gets it right or can he see it from 5' tall?

Me: Do you have a ladder? The satellite is mounted on the roof jack!

Little man: Oh, ok! I get ladder. (Are you kidding me, he was praying I think)
After getting ladder........ I don't think this hooked up right.

Me: I think it is hooked up perfectly, I was watching TV when you walked in! All I need is a new box!

Little man: Does this wiring go into the garage? (Do you HAVE little ears TOO!)

Me: Yeah??? Why do you need to go in there I said it works fine all I need is a new box?

Little man: Walks past me and goes to the garage...... hmmmmm.....(like a Dr) hmmmm.....(a bee maybe?) I need to unhook this. This is not supposed to be here, this wire either.


Little man: This is problem! (NO NO NO)

Me: (loosing all cool)...... LOOK! Last I looked your shirt says you work for ************* NOT for my alarm company or my camera installer!!!!! I have told you several times now that all I needed was a new box. I was watching my well working TV when you came in with my old box.
All I need IS A NEW BOX!

Little man: ok, ok, One more thing....... (he walks into the house, starts for the back of the house). How many TV's you have? Which rooms?

Me: STOP! First off my husband is not home, there is no one that is allowed into my bedrooms with out him here. Second, ALL I NEED IS A NEW BOX. Do I need to reschedule? Obviously you are not listening to me. (Thinking, do I need to squat down for him to see me.) I..... to......try.......a ........reschedule....... this..... awful......appointment! (Slowed down, language barrier maybe? I don't know any Asian languages)

Little man: Oh ok, I be right back! (He goes to his truck, comes back with a new box)

Not a word more was said by him or me. He hooked it up, plugged it in........ and BAM what do you know, its WORKING!

Me: Huh...... that's funny.......I knew that is all I needed. (Plague of sarcasm in genes. A family trait I am told)

Little man: I thought...... I mean....... I wanted.........

Me: Please stop...... at the risk of sounding rude ...... I would just like to sign my paper and have you leave. You have been here for 1 and a half hours for a job that could have been 15 to 20 minutes.

Little man: (hands me the paper, picks up his equipment , takes his paper back) Someone be calling for survey on service. Please let them know you are now satisfied. Ok?

Me: (OMG, you have got to be kidding) Oh sure..... (soft giggle, huge smile) BYE!

The little man left, I turned off the TV as I had enough of TV for awhile. Hubby gets home and turns on the TV. I hear............ HEY! I thought you said they replaced this box......I said, They did, Why? He said, the stereo is cutting in and out. Its like the tv sound is cutting in and out.
I said ok, hang on a minute........ Picked up box, changed out boxes, put new box in the box and we are happily watching our old box . Now, I am going to check to see if the little man re hooked up all the lines he messed with first....... yes...... a ladder is involved....... yes....... I will be careful. Then I have to go to the garage and take a look at the lines there. Then I have to look at the back of my stereo receiver to see if he loosened something there. So, as far as FREE upgrade goes .....its not worth it. Keep the old technology!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

" Oh for the love of GARBAGE!"

I am sure we have all been recycling for years now. I will admit , I am recycling more now than I had in the past. However, here is my dilemma:

I am rinsing dishes to put in the dishwasher, being diligent to turn off the water in between picking up the next dish. When it came time to clean the recycle items. Our garbage company states the recycled items have to be rinsed before I put them in the recycle bin. For whatever reason I started my wheels turning , " I AM WASHING GARBAGE!"

(Now if my family and friends are reading this, they will be shaking their heads with words of "Skippy is at it again", but I have a valid Skip this time! I really do!)

Soda cans are easy!
1. Turn the water on over the hole in the can. (Not a drop lost)
2. Get enough water to swish around.
3. Swish
4. Dump out water, can is now ready. ( Yeah! Success)

Jam jars are a little tougher!
1. Use already hot water from hot water dispenser. (Using my head now!)
2. Get enough water to swish around, using pot holder (ouch, yes I learned the hard way)
3. Swish with lid on until all clean
4. Dump out jammy water, jar is ready
hmmmm..... listening to water refilling in hot water dispenser and now the electricity kicks in to heat water ( maybe that is not such an efficient way to get hot water, we have to save power too)


Peanut Butter Jars
1. Setting aside the idea of the hot water dispenser.
2. Thinking about letting water run until water is HOT HOT before unleashing said water on container. (should I put a pan under the water to catch ALL the wasted water to wash "THE GARBAGE?")
3. Turn loose HOT water on jar and let the greasy mass go down my drain? ..... NO!
4. Scratching head
5. Ah Ha! Take paper towel and wipe out goo from jar? ICK, the back of my hand is now all cruddy with the gooey greasy mass to which now I will have to let the water run again until the proper heat, put on soap, scrub until lard is gone and rinse......... THIS IS GARBAGE!!!!
6. Being Skippy (no, not the peanut butter, ME) I am sure I am forgetting something that must be much easier......... I got it.......

7. It is garbage. Throw it in the garbage can! No water waste, no power waste, not hard on the hands. Yep that is it!!!!!
OK, so I did recycle the lid, if that makes it any better. However the jar is in the garbage.

I think the utilities should get together and figure this stuff out. Oh wait then they will be telling us what we can and can not eat because it is not on the container recycle program. Nope ....... I will speak first............Peanut Butter jars(containers)are GARBAGE, except for the lid!